foundation course

Beyond Moirés

It’s been a while since I last posted something on the design foundation course. Perhaps you still remember the topic was “the moiré pattern” a few weeks ago. Well since then we created many moirés ourselves and presented them in class. Our next task is to try and concentrate some more on three-dimensionality. After designing some basic patterns we were supposed to play with them and try different combinations and variations. After that we will try transforming our work to a 3D object (probably made out of paper) and try some different color applications to underline the form.

These assignments are supposed to make us understand how three-dimensionality is created out of simple lines and forms. It’s a very experimental approach 🙂

So here is one of mine moirés and one pattern stressing three-dimensionality:



moiré stressing three-dimensionality

moiré stressing three-dimensionality

By the way, both patterns are created with the same fragments. I just rotated and scaled them differently.

Design Foundation Course – Moiré Pattern

The moiré pattern (also called interference pattern) is a flickering human eyes tend to see when two patterns are overlaid at an angle.

Here are some examples:

moire example 1moire example 1.2

Second example:

moire example 2

moire example 2.2

Furthermore we got the task to create 5 moirés ourselves. The required format was 18×18 cm (7×7 inch). Of course we were given some tips again:

  • divide format in halves, quarters etc.
  • use different line thickness and/or space between lines to create a feeling of depth
  • don’t mix up too many different shapes and patterns

Additionally we were shown a little trick in order to draw a “progressive grid”. Here’s the trick which should make clear what “progressive grids” are:

progressive grid trickOh, and if you’re interested in some professional moiré artists look up Bridget Riley 🙂

Design Foundation Course – Prominent Designers One Should Know

The Design Foundation Course is the first of six basic courses one must complete in the first semester. It’s covering some of the very basics every artist needs to know and gives the opportunity to try out different design methods.

The very first homework I got is to look up a list of prominent designers and get familiar with their achievements and style. And here’s the list:

  • Max Bill
  • Otl Aicher
  • Ruedi Baur
  • Stefan Sagmeister
  • Alfredo Häberli
  • Konstantin Grcic

Some of them have a really interesting career. Otl Aicher was one of the early Corporate Design pioneers and Stefan Sagmeister designed CD covers for the Rolling Stones and Aerosmith. You should definitely check them out and expand your knowledge on design and art.

Additionally students were allowed to name any other designer they know and include him/her in the list. So basically the ones given just form the backbone.