Design Foundation Course and Typography
Time for a short update on DFC and Typography 🙂
This semester the DFC’s main topic will be “Von (Dr)innen nach (Dr)außen“ – Dialog, Kommunikation, Interaktion (From the inside to the outside – Dialogue, Communication, Interaction). The students are supposed to explore the new seminar room and create a connection to the outside (the building’s back garden etc.) It’s a little bit hard to describe the situation but I’ll post some photos soon.
But talking about photos: The first homework is going to be about capturing the current state of both, the inside and outside space. In order to do so we have been given the task to take photographs and describe the situation in words. All findings are to be collected in a sketchbook. Our results throughout this whole semester will be building the basis for our final big project (final exam).
And this leads us to Typography. All acquired theoretical knowledge during the following months will be of big use for the final project in DFC, which will be a printed medium created in collaboration with the Typography program. What’s also new this time is the possibility to work in groups most of the time.
I asked a few students in the third semester about the workload and I didn’t like what I heard 😀 Everyone warned me it’s going to be hell! It’s going to be the busiest time during the whole bachelor ever (perhaps except the bachelor exam itself…). The third semester was referred to as heaven 😀 That’s where the students are finally allowed to choose their main programs and the workload is considerably smaller.
Considering this info and the fact that I’m already packed with assignments (I’ll try to pull off the illustrator’s drawing class AND one additional sketching excursion class) I’ll probably won’t be able to post a lot, but of course I’ll keep summing up and give tips as much as possible!
Next time I’ll compile this semester’s schedule (only premade for the first semester) and share it with you 😉