
4th Semester Classes

Well, after a few weeks of searching for the right class-combo for this semester I finally found one that works for me 🙂

But first let me explain how the fourth semester works for students with a (partial) specialization in illustration:

  • the fourth semester is the first one a student can actually choose all of his/her courses absolutely freely
  • the student should decide on a project to work on intensively during the semester
  • additionally you need theory classes (I picked a really philosophical one “life-worlds“) and one complementary class on the appliance-aspects of your specialization (my specializations are illustration and media)

Up until now most of my classes were predetermined by the university. But to come back to my schedule, I started the only illustration project that actually consists of three smaller projects 😀 The first one is “Märchenwelten” (“Fairy-Tale-Worlds”). And I seriously went for sci-fi XD For now I haven’t been kicked out ~hehehe~ My appliance-classes are “Malerei” (“Painting with Gouache/Acrylics”), After Effects and Flash. That’s right, one wasn’t enough for me! 🙂 And concerning my theory class I already mentioned above, we’re mostly sitting and talking about different influences on one’s life-world. At the end of the semester we have to write a scientific homework on an individual topic still to be discussed.

Well that’s my schedule. And now it’s time for me to animate some horses…. only tween-style (-ö-)

My Schedule

As I promised in my last post I’m giving you my personal schedule for this semester:

schedule semester 2

Although some may say my schedule isn’t really demanding I have to stress (as it was done by the professors) that this is only the time we have to be present at the university in order to compare the results of our mostly very, very big homework we get every week! The actual workload is immense! But this is normal for a design Bachelor.

Well then, I’ll be doing homework now 😉

Semester Schedule Winter 2010/11

Some people asked me about my semester schedule and I decided to share it with you!

I did a little bit of censoring, just erased the professor’s names. I think no one’s going to have a problem with it being posted on the net openly now 🙂

semester schedule winter 2010/11

click on the pic for full-view please

  • pink fields: Design Foundation Course (only one gets assigned)
  • blue: Typography
  • left violet: Fine Arts
  • right violet: Media and Communication
  • white with yellow stripe: the four different drawing classes (only one can be assigned)
  • white (Tuesday): Workshop for materials and photography (the cube project)

The schedule is basically giving the students an overview of the mandatory classes they have to attend. The most work however is done on one’s own initiative. And believe me, we are talking about a lot of time here! I have to be honest with you , studying design means you’ll have to sacrifice most of your free time, if you really want to make progress that is. Please bear that in mind.