Hello World!
This is my very first post in my very first blog and I’m really excited! I sure hope Loyal2Art is going to be a source of knowledge and experience for YOU and ME 😀
Basically I’ll try to gather as much information as possible during my studies of arts at the university, wrap it up and share all of it! There are A LOT of blogs covering drawing, Photoshop or web design, but my blog is supposed to give you a detailed schedule of what exactly people learn at an university! I’ll give you summeries, example exercises, tutorials and results! This way you can see how skills develope in real time. I’m not a pro at all. I’m just a rookie right now, but I hope one day I’ll be a skilled and creative artist!
Of course I’ll be learnig new stuff outside the university, too. This, I’ll share with you 🙂
To sum it up >> I gather infos+study+digest+share findings = I saved the day!
Loyal2Art: Sharing my way of the artist!