
The Documentation – The most Important Project in 2nd Semester

The documentation of the 2nd semester is the most important and time consuming project! It’s covering the main work done during the course of the past half-year presented as a typographically demanding printed medium. This means that it counts for the final exam in FC and Typography!

The whole book has about 90 pages, format A5, adhesive binding. The paper for the cover is 300 g/m² and the one for the pages is 130 g/m². I paid about 35 Euros for the printing and paper.

By the way, here is my exam schedule with some further descriptions.


Criteria for Final Poject in Design Foundation Course

I know I haven’t posted anything new for a while now, but I’m really trying hard to achieve good results in ALL my classes and that’s taking ALL of my time 🙁

In DFC we’ve started concentrating on our big semester project dealing with the motto “From inside to the outside” (“Von Drinnen nach Draußen”). This week we started constructing mockups of the seminar room and the grass area outside, while some of us still had to present their temporary projects (mine was the doorframe). Here I will give you the criteria for our final project and documentation:

  • final project can be materialized in groups of no more than three students
  • every student must design a typographically top-notch documentation (a book) and present it in a printed form
  • the documentation must include not only the final project but also parts of the homework, sketches/ brain storming and the temporary project
  • additionally a third project, which has not been materialized, has to be included in the documentation, meaning you have to work with mockups, photo manipulation or 3D-models presenting your concept
  • deadline 15th of June

We have about five weeks left and that’s NOT a whole lot! I’m still editing my typography projects from last semester and working overtime on my drawing class homework tasks (right now: concept art of Hong Kong slums). I hope all the work pays off in the end 🙂